RUFF Couture Studio

Payment Methods

You can use the following payment methods for your purchases at RUFF.


If you have any concerns regarding the security of our site when making payments with your card, we can confirm that it is completely secure. Data on our site is transferred in SSL encrypted mode via the Paypal and Stripe platforms which allow payments with eligible credit and debit bank cards within Europe and internationally.

In your online purchase you can choose the following payment methods: VISA, MasterCard, Paypal, MBway and Bank Transfer.

Please note that if you choose the MBway or Bank Transfer payment methods, you'll have to send us the proof of payment through our email [email protected] and therefore may be more processing days as we have to confirm that the amount of the purchase has been received. Only then will we begin the process of preparing the products and shipping them out.

The Bank transfer data is the one below:
PT50 0035 0329 0000 1148 4008 7

For MBway the phone number you have to deliver to is: 
(+351) 912 489 220

If you need to include the taxpayer number on your invoice, please warn us before or add that information during the checkout process. 😊

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